今年主打“节俭风”,各驻地都提供简化服务(pared-down service),没有迎接仪式、没有鲜花礼品。
工信部日前表示将清理“伪基站”,这种被私人收购的base station(基站)制造和发送大量spam messages(垃圾短信),给民众的生活带来不少困扰。
“微信红包”:Chat group(聊天群)里的一个人可设置要发出的红包总金额和红包数量,然后由应用程序来allocate the money randomly(随机发钱)。
延迟退休?人们更倾向于“退休返聘”。调查发现,re-employed after retirement(退休返聘)比延迟退休更受欢迎。
O2O生态圈 O2O即online-to-offline,指的是将线下的商务机会(offline business opportunities)与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的前台
不差钱:Money is not to worry.
你妈妈喊你回家吃饭! Your mother is calling you back home for the meal
人生啊,还真是摆满了“杯具”和“洗具”。Life is full of tragedies and comedies
不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说.Don't be crazy with your brother, I am just a legend.
你out了! You are left behind the times!
雷锋做好事不留名,但把每一件事情都记到日记里。Lei Feng does good without seeking recognition, but he recorded everything in his diary.
这事儿不能说太细。It cannot be explained in detail.
小伙伴们都惊呆了 My little friends and I are stunned
女汉子 Tough girl或manly woman
高端大气上档次High-end atmospheric grade
土豪,我们做朋友吧The local tyrants, let us make friends .